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  • #494202

    Hi Guys,

    I want to make small edits in the – function-set-avia-frontend.php file. I dont want it changed after updating. How can I place this file in my child theme? I created a folder in child-theme/framework/php and placed the function-set-avia-frontend.php file in there, but it is not being used. Am I missing something?

    Thanx for the great theme …


    Hey mediax2014!

    That’s not a template file so that’s not going to work.

    If you look inside though you’ll see all of the functions are wrapped in the if function exists checks.

    	function avia_option($key, $default = "", $echo = true, $decode = true)
    		$result = avia_get_option($key, $default, false, $decode);
    		if(!$echo) return $result; //if we dont want to echo the output end script here
    		echo $result;

    So when you see those just copy the whole thing to your child theme functions.php file and it will use that function instead of in the parent theme.



    Hi Elliott,

    Thanks for that!!!! Works perfectly.



    Great, glad we could help :-)


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