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  • #1250921

    Hi everyone,
    When I set up the Child theme, is it impossible to have my general styling and quick css “running”
    It seems like that the child overrides those settings.

    I put credentials

    Thanks in advance


    Hey phoenixdivers-kohlanta,

    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    1. Install and activate ” Temporary Login Without Password “.
    2. Go to ” Users > Temporary Logins ” on the left-side menu.
    3. Click ” Create New “.
    4. Add the email address for the account ( you can use (Email address hidden if logged out) ), as well as the ” Role ” making that the highest possible and the expiry about four days
      ( to be sure that we have enough time to debug ).
    5. Click ” Submit “.
    6. You’ll now have a temporary account. Please provide us here in the private section the URL, so we can login and help you out.

    When your issue is fixed, you can always remove the plugin!
    If you prefer to not use the plugin, you can manually create an admin user and post the login credentials in the “private data” field.

    Best regards,


    Here you go Nikko in private content



    Thanks for that. I see that you don’t have the child active on the site, are we allowed to activate it? Also, what exactly is not working when activating the child theme?

    Best regards,


    Yes you are allowed if able not to loose all the setting and quick css I did on my theme ;-)
    When I recentlely tried then, it ignored completely all the general styling in enfold.




    Thanks for that. You need to import the parent theme settings after you have activated the child theme, you can do so under Enfold->Import/Export. After that then please make sure that you activate the option to delete the old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance, and clear the cache from your caching plugin.

    Best regards,


    Hi again,
    the menu setting are lost even following what you wrote.
    See file attached link.



    Thanks for the screenshot, though that is not handled by the theme settings. It looks like that is simply the wrong menu being displayed, if that is the case then make sure that your main menu is selected under Appearance->Menus, and that you have selected to show it in the correct place.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard
    thanks for replying.
    I understand it isnt the child theme, but why this happened just because we loaded the child theme?



    It usually happens when a theme changes it name, so maybe that was the case for you as well.

    Best regards,


    What you mean “changes it name”?
    I just loaded the child theme, setting it to use the main theme setting but it didnt work



    I mean that the active theme changed its name.

    Best regards,


    We didnt do anything.
    So how it happened?



    Hi phoenixdivers-kohlanta,

    Each theme has its own setting and most likely what happened is that when Enfold is set as the main theme there’s a primary menu assigned to it and when switching to the child theme, the primary menu needs to be assigned as well.
    I tried to login with the link you gave however it only shows just a white screen and I couldn’t see the backend.
    Can you try to disable CSS file merging and compression? in Enfold > Performance, this might help us see the order of priority of the CSS, to know why it’s not working properly.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Nikko1

    As you can see in this pic
    I cant log in neither, i get only a white page…


    Hi phoenixdivers-kohlanta,

    I see, can you give us access to FTP or cPanel? so we can try to fix it for you.
    If you can’t give us access, then maybe at least give us the error shown in error_logs file (should show in the root directory).

    Best regards,


    ok I deactivated the child theme.
    I have been having many issues with the child.
    Now I’m about to upgrade my hosting plan, once done I’ll be back in this chat to ask you how to solve my child theme probleme.


    Hi phoenixdivers-kohlanta,

    I see, we’ll leave this thread open until then.
    Just post here again :)

    Best regards,


    here I am again. Same problem:
    activating the child theme, i cannot log in anymore and only white blank page appears.
    Temporary log in for you guys in private content



    Hi phoenixdivers-kohlanta,

    I tested your child theme on my local install and it works properly.
    Since you mentioned the issue when activating the child theme, can you give us FTP access on it? so we can quickly restore it if we try to switch to the child theme.

    Best regards,


    is there a way to give temporary access to FTP or should I create a new account for you?
    Meanwhile, please check quick CSS and general setting: even though you can save it, it’s not working at all, any change you try to make.
    It’s not browser cache neither cache plug in.



    Hi phoenixdivers-kohlanta,

    You can either create a new account which you can delete later or give us access to the existing account and just change password afterwards.

    Best regards,


    Created, access details in private content.
    Please note that we have 2 issues:
    -child theme, doesnt allow us to log in: white blank page
    -normal theme: no more able to see saved changing in general styling and quick css
    we might have even more but these are the ones we noticed.



    sorry wrong messaging
    dont consider this message. I needed to delete the content but i coudnt delete it all
    jusst consider my previous one with ftp account

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Daniele.

    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the login and ftp access, but unfortunately it looks like the ftp account needs to have it’s access changed to “public_html/” or ” / “ from the user directory, assuming that you are using cPanel you can change it like this:
    I’m not sure why your Quick CSS doesn’t seem to be working, I removed all of the css, but I saw no change in the site, I also tried adding this test css:

    #top .alternate_color.title_container .main-title a {
    color: red !important;

    with no change, is your webhost caching on the server, can you disable it? I added the css back to the Quick CSS.
    I also looked at your child theme and found your functions.php had some rouge PHP ending tags, I removed these but I don’t want to test without ftp access, please try the child theme.

    Best regards,


    new access in private. hope it works
    I asked to my host about the caching. waiting for the answer


    Thank you, the ftp access seems to be working, but the login token seems to have expired, please check.

    Best regards,


    here in private new access.
    Please be very careful not to change anything from the theme.
    Happened already a couple of time that after support actions something was missed.
    It seems I fixed the Cache issue with the host provide.
    So now the main problem is the child theme
    Thanks in advance


    Thank you, my previous edit of removing the rouge PHP ending tags from your functions.php seems to have solved the issue with the child theme crashing the site when activated.
    When I checked only the header/menu looked different, I note that you have a “helper-main-menu.php” in your child theme, is this file modified? Is this file modified in the parent theme?
    It could be that the menu needs to be selected in the child theme, I didn’t want to make changes so I didn’t try, please try the child theme and the menu settings.

    Best regards,


    Hi Again sorry for me being late
    Thanks for checking but the child is still showing the same issue:
    -ignore the general styling
    -ignore the quick css

    see attached

    Thanks again

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