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  • #882379


    Just another question….

    I created a child theme from my enfold theme like I read in the instructions.
    But…what happend as the enfold theme get a update? My child theme stays the old way or get it also any update without changing my design?
    I am just wondering because when the child theme don’t get the updates my child theme maybe don’t work well after some time? Or do I have to put the purchase code as wel in the child theme.

    Sorry maybe this are stuppid questions :)



    Hey missbluesky,

    Please, to check this better, you need to share your website link and WP credentials with us.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hi John,

    oké, my weblink is
    and what do you meen by WP credentials? I can’t give my admin paswoord i think?

    greetings hanneke



    After installing and activating child theme, you can insert your Username and API key in Enfold child theme options – and update the theme. Parent theme will be updated and files you have modified on your child theme will not be overwritten.

    If you would like to move your translation files to your child theme, please see – and if you would like to modify ALB elements, see – :)



    Thanks Yigit.

    So I did already instal the api key in the enfold theme. if i want to update the child theme aswel I need to instal the api key in the child time also ? is that correct?
    I didn’t change much in the demo i used, only collors and loge., and tekst en pictures..but i didn’t rewrite ssc styles.

    Sorry but this is al new for me :).

    thank you for your help :)

    regards hanneke



    Since “coming soon” mode is active, we cannot check if your current active theme is Enfold child theme.
    If it is not, please activate it. You can go to Enfold child theme options > Import & Export and import parent theme options.
    You can move your Username and API key to your child theme options. You can read more about child theme here –

    You would not need to update your child theme. During updates, only parent theme files are updated and since your child theme inherits parent theme, child theme does not require updating :)



    Hi Yigit,

    thank you thank you for your patients :)
    I am a dummy and do this for the first time!

    I did install the enfold child theme so that is correct.
    And i made my design with it.
    But if I do the option import parent theme options what you say me to do.
    what will happen with my design? will it stay like it is (what i hope otherwise i have to start again)
    But when I read the import the child theme settings next to the bleu button it says; please be aware that this will overwrite your child theme settings?

    Will this mean that I have a blanc parent theme or that the child theme stay the way it is but only updates the enfold theme?

    do you understand what I mean?

    sorry but I really want to be sure I do the right thing :)




    Hi Hanneke,

    No worries at all! We are here to help :)

    If you have activated child theme and directly started working on it, you would not need to import parent theme options. Most users activate child theme after they adjusted theme options in parent theme but in your case that would not be necessary :)

    Best regards,


    Oke, but I am a bit confused right now…

    so because i did my design in the child theme i don’t import the parent theme…that is what you say, is that correct?

    But then when the parent theme get any update, my child theme don’t? is that correct?
    or is there no need to updated the theme anyway?
    It will work correctly for years? ( i hope)…
    thank you so much, I know, I ask al lot :)



    1- Yes, since you did your design in the child theme, you do not import parent theme.
    2- Yes, parent theme gets updates and child theme does not.
    3- It is always recommended to keep the theme, WordPress and plugins (if you are using any) updated.
    4- It will work for years and in case you run into any issues, you can always contact us and we will fix it as soon as we can :)

    That is fine :) Let us know if you have any other questions!



    Thanks for your answer.

    But way they advice to use a child theme when it don,t gets updates?
    They write, to use the child theme because when there are updates your design will change and that is not what you want…so thats way you have to make a child theme. But i read that when the parent theme gets updates, the child theme gets it as well but the design won’t change…that is what i read.

    so its confusing.

    I would like to use the parent theme so that i get updates but i don’t want to make the design again because it was al lot of work :(… And i don’t want de design changes when there is any update …

    How do I fix this without start again?

    regards hanneke



    That is the correct way. Child theme inherits parent theme so when parent theme updates, your child theme will be inheriting updated version of parent theme.

    You can move files that you have modified to your child theme to avoid having them overwritten during update. For example, you might want to add custom functions to your functions.php file. If you add them on functions.php file of your parent theme, it will be overwritten when you update the theme (because all files in parent theme gets overwritten during update) but if you apply those changes on your child theme’s functions.php file, that file will not be overwritten. Functions.php file in parent theme will be overwritten but child theme’s will not.

    Since you have installed, activated and designed your site using a child theme, there is nothing to worry about :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks you so much for your patients…

    I hope i get it.

    Just to be sure.

    I instald the enfold theme, and put my users name en code in it, I made a child theme with the code in the instructions file en installed it in PFT.
    I made my design in the child theme. so was written in the instructions. so far so good :)

    But then here starts my confusion.
    The parent theme gets updates, so the theme will works fine and i don’t get any problems.
    But the child theme don’t get updates…..?

    I read here in the comments that you will need updates so I had to klik the button in instal parent theme so that the child theme will react like a parent theme. but then everything will be overwritten and i have a blanc theme again.

    Is it correct that when i use my child theme I made with the code you gave me in the instructions folder, my child theme will not be updated? or… will be updated without losing my design?

    sorry sorry for my supped questions, but I want really be sure I do it correct :)

    thanks you for your time and patients,

    regards hanneke


    Hey Hanneke,

    Child theme never gets an update :) Always parent theme gets updates and since child theme inherits parent theme, child theme will inherit updated parent theme, so all is well.

    Since you are using a child theme, please copy your username and API key from parent theme to your child theme and enjoy your site :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Child theme never gets an update :) Always parent theme gets updates and since child theme inherits parent theme, child theme will inherit updated parent theme, so all is well.

    this I do not understand? first you say child theme do not get updates. and than, since parent theme inherits child theme is updated parent theme as well? that’s two different things i think.

    when I put my API code in the child theme you suggest than I get updates but my site will be overwritten when there is any updates and I lose my design?

    sorry but this is so confusing for me.


    Hi Hanneke,

    Always child inherits parent and never the other way around :)

    “child theme will inherit updated parent theme”.

    As i mentioned above, you have nothing to worry about since you are using a child theme. You are using a child theme so you will not lose your design nor your content when theme gets an update. You can read more about child themes here

    Only you should insert your username and API key in active theme, which in your case is a child theme, to receive auto updates.



    oké thanks, i will put the API key in my child theme…my users name is that the name that is my license name?
    or is it miss blues sky?

    tis is it i will not bother you any further :-D



    You should use your ThemeForest username that you used to purchase the theme and you can refer to this post – and generate your API key on ThemeForest :)



    Oke thanks you so much. I did what you suggested thanks so much.

    have a nice day :)

    regards hanneke



    You are welcome! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here –
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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