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  • #1429807

    Liebes Team,
    ich versuche ein Bestellformular zu erstellen und kann im Editor keine Checkbox/Kontrollkästchen finden, um die Datenschutzerklärung etc. auswählen zu lassen.
    Kann mir jemadn weiterhelfen?


    Hey michael_zocholl,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Are you trying to add a privacy policy checkbox in the checkout page? With Woocommerce, you add this manually using a template hook. Please check the link below.

    // https://wpbeaches.com/add-a-required-checkbox-field-in-woocommerce-checkout-page/

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the reply, Ismael. Yes, i need the checkbox for a checkout page.

    But i don’t use Woocommerce. I am using Surecart and i don’t understand why i can’t use the checkbox within the editor.


    Thank you for your patience, I am not familiar with Surecart and don’t know if you are trying to use their checkbox, but I don’t see a checkbox option in the WordPress Classic Editor or in our Advanced Layout Builder. PLease explain further and link to your page where you have added the checkbox so we can see if some css would help.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, thanks for your comment. i sent you the link to the checkout page. I used the Classic Editor last year for this.


    On this page it looks like a shortcode has been added to a text block element to create the checkout, is this correct?
    So I’m not clear what your issue is, do you not see the check box option, or do you see it and it doesn’t work.
    From the SureCart plugin page it looks like the plugin adds options to the Gutenberg editor, is this how you are creating the check out form?
    Perhaps this is what you did last year and then you copied the shortcode to the page? I don’t think the plugin will add it’s addons into the Advanced Layout Builder text block editor for you to use, try opening a new page and try using the WordPress default editor instead.
    If this doesn’t help please explain further and perhaps a screenshots would help since we don’t use the SureCart plugin.

    Best regards,

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