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  • #1315879

    How can I change either

    1.) the slider height to enfold or let it adapt automatically, so the text in the text box would not be cut off?

    or – if that’s not (or not easily) possible

    2.) change the height/width of the slider and/or the height/width of the text box?

    Link to My Home Page – so you see what I am talking about.



    On every mobile devices and some screen resolutions, the text box is always cut off.
    But I don’t want to be in need to be changing the text because of the size. Therefore, I’d love to adapt the size. Thanks in advance.


    Hey holbizmetrics,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    1-2.) You might have to decrease the font size of the slider title and captions because you are using the Fullscreen Slider. The slider automatically adapts to the size of the view port or the browser screen. You could also adjust the width of the caption container.

    .slideshow_caption {
    	width: 70%;

    Default width is 42%.

    On smaller screens, you have to use css media queries to decrease the size of the captions even more or just hide the slider completely and present the caption or info in a different way.

    You can use the Element Visibility options to toggle the visibility of the slider or of any elements on different screen sizes.

    Best regards,

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