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  • #423200

    PS : I have the same problem when I scrolled a page… the logo disappear because it’s white on white.


    any answer pls ?



    Did you try to set a different logo and colour in Enfold–>Header–>Transparency Options?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Yes, I have already try with a “black logo”, but when I change it in transparency options, it change the logo for the native resolution (on my computer).

    And when I check on my smartphone, I keep the old logo :/

    If I’m not clear, I can put screenshot :)

    Thanks for your help




    Your logo looks fine on my end. It’s the same logo on both desktops and mobiles. Your using a transparent header though so if you want to change the logo (for example white text instead of black text) then you can setup a “transparent” logo in Dashboard > Enfold > Header > Transparency Options.

    If that’s not what your trying to do then take a screenshot and highlight your intentions so we can get a better idea.


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