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  • #1132552

    I want the order of two 1/2 sections be swapped on small screens (phones). I found the following on StackOverflow that does what I need:

    But for this to work I need to put a DIV ID on each 1/2 sections. How can I do that? The only place the Layout Builder let me insert DIV ID is on color sections…


    Hey photographie-tous-azimuts,
    Please try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field or in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field, it will only work on this one page:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
      #top.postid-1212 #after_submenu_1 .entry-content-wrapper {
      display: flex !important; 
      flex-wrap: wrap !important; 
      #top.postid-1212 #after_submenu_1 .flex_column.avia-builder-el-20 {
          order: 2 !important; 
      #top.postid-1212 #after_submenu_1 .flex_column.avia-builder-el-22 {
          order: 1 !important; 

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Wow! Support on weekend! Nice!

    Your CSS does the job. One question: I notice the code refers to Layout Builder internal tags. Will this code break if I modify the page? Or will it works as long as I don’t delete those specific 1/2 sections?

    It would be nice to be able to add DIV ID to any column section, though. This would allow to target a specific section with #id on URL on mobile devices no matter where it ends up.

    Best regards,


    Yes this code could break if you move the page elements around, I recommend adding custom classes to the 3 elements and adjust the css. You can add column IDs by enabling the theme option at: Enfold Theme Options > Layout Builder > Builder Options For Developers I’m pretty sure this was an option in v4.5.7, but I know it is in v4.6 I recommend updating as there is a large list of fixes in this one.
    here’s the option in the column element:

    Best regards,



    I figured out the update process to 4.6. I will give it a try.

    Best regards,


    Now that I have update the theme, how do I adjust the CSS? According to the StackOverflow post or a variant of your CSS?


    Please add a custom class to the two columns you wish to flip, in this case the “form” and “girl”
    the form is “avia-builder-el-20” in the css above,
    the girl is “avia-builder-el-22” in the css above
    so if you added the custom classes “form-last” and “girl-first” your final css would look like:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
      #top.postid-1212 #after_submenu_1 .entry-content-wrapper {
      display: flex !important; 
      flex-wrap: wrap !important; 
      #top.postid-1212 #after_submenu_1 .flex_column.form-last {
          order: 2 !important; 
      #top.postid-1212 #after_submenu_1 .flex_column.girl-first {
          order: 1 !important; 

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    It does work. Thanks. I really love Enfold and Kreisi customer support.

    I tried to generalize it so I can use it on other pages if needed, but I must be missing something since my generalization does not works. (I did this test on my dev server to avoid breaking the site until I can make it work.)

    I added a color section with a class ID azimuts-swap to wrap the form and the girl. I changed the class names for the form and girl to azimuts-last (form) and azimuts-first (girl). Then I updated the CSS to:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
      .azimuts-swap {
        display: flex !important; 
        flex-wrap: wrap !important; 
      .azimuts-swap .flex_column.azimuts-last {
        order: 2 !important; 
      .azimuts-swap .flex_column.azimuts-first {
        order: 1 !important; 

    What’s wrong?

    Best regards,


    I took a look at your page but I didn’t find “azimuts-swap” I did find the other two, once you add “azimuts-swap” it should work, if not please disable the other css so I can check what is wrong.

    Best regards,



    I was testing this on my dev server in order to not break the site. Since you tell me it should work, I just did it on the prod server. You can look at it now. It does not works.

    Best regards,


    Sorry I forgot the “entry-content-wrapper”
    Please use this css instead:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
      .azimuts-swap .entry-content-wrapper {
        display: flex !important; 
        flex-wrap: wrap !important; 
      .azimuts-swap .flex_column.azimuts-last {
        order: 2 !important; 
      .azimuts-swap .flex_column.azimuts-first {
        order: 1 !important; 

    Best regards,



    It works for the swap, but it introduced a large white space at the beginning of the page. Compare those two pages:

    Best regards,



    Problem solved. There was an extra space element added at the beginning of the page. Once removed, everything is OK. Looks like a manip error of mine.

    Thank you very much for your support.

    Best regards,


    That does make sense because the additional “div” divides the page into two sections.
    So if you want this to work on every page I recommend making the first rule very genetic, and then add your “azimuts-first” & “azimuts-last” to the columns that you wish.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
      .template-page.content > div > .entry-content-wrapper {
        display: flex !important; 
        flex-wrap: wrap !important; 
      .flex_column.azimuts-last {
        order: 2 !important; 
      .flex_column.azimuts-first {
        order: 1 !important; 

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I like that! It works great! The code is now so simple and easy to use. Having to add a Color Section did have some minor side effects on spacing too. I suggest you add this to the documentation of columns so anyone can benefit.

    Best regards,


    Glad we were able to help, and it’s working well for you, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads in the Enfold forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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