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  • #163162


    Just a quick question…

    I am wondering how to change the fallback image for posts if they don’t have a featured image. Specifically I am using the grid layout on the homepage and for video posts I generally don’t put a featured image so instead of the grey box with a video symbol I would like to change it to something with a little more color.

    Thanks! :)


    Hello Torlock!

    I don’t see a default featured image in my local installation, mind posting a link to your website please?




    The link is

    If I don’t put a featured image on a post then nothing shows what I am actually talking about is the preview for the grid layout if there is not image.

    You’ll see on the homepage a few posts without featured images, generally videos. It’s just grey with a video symbol and then when you hover over it disappears.

    Thanks :)



    I see, try using this plugin.


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