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  • #595845

    Hi Guys,
    can I use the Quick CSS to customize the message that appears “Nothing Found Sorry, no posts matched your criteria”
    in a blog post when there is not a blog for that area?
    or perhaps make it disappear using Quick CSS?

    Thanks for the great support


    Hi Joe!

    Please go to Appearance > Editor and edit “loop-search.php” file

    Best regards,


    Thank Yigit,
    I did see that in another question forum. I guess any custom code would get cleared when I update to the next enfold, down the road?

    that’s OK if this is the only way to do it. thanks for the input


    Hey Joe!

    Yes any custom change made to the code with be overwritten with the next Enfold update. You could consider using a Child theme if you make a lot of customization to the code. Using a Child Theme


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