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  • #1407397

    Hello everybody :)
    I’d like to change the footer solid color background to gradient color.
    This is my website:

    Now the footer background color is #b48754
    But i’d like to change to this gradient left to right:
    Left: #b48754
    Center: #e2b85a
    Right #b48754

    Right the same like the other boxes color on the homepage.
    Kindly regards.


    Hey trancedbrain,

    It looks like you have managed to find a solution already?

    Best regards,


    Hello. Yes!
    Help is always found on the net.
    Thanks for your response!,
    Kindly regards.



    Thanks for the update, I’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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