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  • #1374906

    Hello, everyone,
    I’ve read here about different ways to change the copyright notice in the footer (or below), including changes in footer.php etc.
    Supposedly you should change the following code, which is not included in my theme in footer.php in the child theme, it’s completely empty.

    “Edit footer.php then find this code on line 85
    $kriesi_at_backlink = apply_filters(“kriesi_backlink”, ” – Enfold Theme by Kriesi“); …”

    What is the easiest way for the changes so that it doesn’t say “© Copyright – – powered by Enfold WordPress Theme”
    but just “© Copyright –”?

    Thank you in advance!


    Hey Nic_007,
    The easiest way to remove the backlink in the socket is to add [nolink] in Enfold Theme Options ▸ Footer ▸ Copyright please see our documentation here.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Mike,
    thank you. I’ve tried, but when I add a custom copyright notice “© Copyright –” to the field in the footer, I still get the following line in the footer:
    © Copyright – – powered by Enfold WordPress Theme.
    Could you be so kind and let me know what exactly I need to change?
    Thank you in advance.

    Many greetings


    Try this [nolink] © Copyright –
    If you still have trouble please include an admin login so we can check.

    Best regards,

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