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    I know CSS fairly well, but I can not change the desktop page size from 1030px to 910px. What do you suggest?
    My dev site is
    Below is what I have now in the custom.css
    Desktop Styles
    ================================================== */
    /* Note: Add new css to the media query below that you want to only effect the desktop view of your site */

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    /* Add your Desktop Styles here */

    .container_wrap .container {
    clear: both;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 0;
    position: relative;
    width: 910px;
    .responsive .container .tweive.units {
    width: 910px;



    Hi akamaxbuz!

    I checked the website on desktop and the width of the container is 910px. Please remove browser cache then reload the page a few times.



    Not really. It doesn’t work on the iPad in Portrait view. This is usually so simple with WordPress. Can you give me some guidance?

    I had to make progress on this client dev site, so if you look, you will see that I went back to the default settings of width: 1030 px for now. But I still want to know how to change the width of the .container on the desktop and the iPad.

    In FireBug I see this: .responsive .container { width: 1030px; } Can you explain? Changing the page width seems elementary, so maybe I am missing something.



    In the grid.css file you can copy out the initial grid sizing and then modify it to your needs. You’ll need to put it inside an appropriate media query based on what viewports you want the different size to take effect.




    I wanted to ask a closely related question about this if I can – on this thread?

    Is there a formula for working out the column sizes – when setting a new basic page width? I guess the numbers don’t quite add up for me, for the column widths – is it a padding and margin and width calculation – from the page width number?

    Many thanks,


    Hi Paul,

    Yes, somewhat. The basic grid in grid.css outlines all of the columns and then the margins for each as they are in the regular output of the theme. The grid.less file actually shows the raw data used to generate the grid using less (



    Thanks Devin – great customer support – brilliant theme. :-)

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