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  • #27660


    Just wondering if one needed to change the overall page width of Enfold from 1130px to 1090px how would you go about it.

    I have changed these two values as follows but responsive behaviour is compromised.

    .responsive #top.boxed {

    width: 1090px !important;


    .responsive #top.boxed .stretch_full {

    width: 1090px !important;


    What other values when need to be tweaked to ensure correct behaviour?




    Hi Sean,

    That is a pretty in depth change actually. Have you tried both responsive layout sizes in General Settings>Responsive Layout? There is a wide version and a standard version.




    Yep – i’ve changed my mind about it. Its too much work!

    How about changing the non responsive version width. Can that be done easily?


    Everything is based on the same grid so you could change the container but you would still need to go through and change all of the grid sizes for the new container width.

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