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  • #571383

    I+m working with – and would like to change color on the BUY button. Is there a way to do this with CSS?

    I found thins – but that is another theme – so I didn´t dare to try this…

    Another thing –

    I got the message that there is an important Update on the WooCommerce plugin –
    from 2.4.10 til 2.5.0 is a major update … please ensure that themes and extensions are 2.5 compatible.

    and also there is an update for WP itself from I don´t know – to WordPress 4.4.1.

    and my current Parent Theme (Enfold) Version Number is 3.0.4 – and I´m using a child theme that I got help from Codeable to create…

    So my question are – is these updates compatible – And do I need to do something speciell – since I´m using a child- theme?


    Hi idespiran!

    According to this site – your website is currently down.

    Also, the latest version of Enfold is currently 3.4.7 – Please make sure to update your theme before updating WooCommerce. Also, if your business solely depends on WooCommerce, please do not update just yet to be on the safe side.



    Hi Yigit – I will hold for a whiel before update WooCommerce – Thank’s !

    I get to the site – could’t you? – Maybe I wrote something wrong -could you try again?

    I will update to latest Enfold – as step 1 – and then update WP.
    But do I have to do something different this time – since I have a Child theme?



    Yes, now it worked fine for me as well. “d” was missing in your first post :)

    No, you can simply update Enfold parent theme. Please make sure that you have moved all your modified files from parent theme to child theme

    Edit: Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .avia_cart_buttons a:nth-child(1) {
        color: orange!important;


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Yigit.

    Is it possible to have the background in orange and the text in white – and maybe all the grey text a bit darker grey or black?


    Or maybe just not the hover effect ; – )



    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    .avia_cart_buttons {
        opacity: 1;

    If that does not help, please try to elaborate a bit more. I am a little confused :)

    Best regards,


    Thank’s a million –

    A final thing – is it possible to get the resent tab to be default tab – instaed of the popular post tab in the Enfold Post widget…


    You can see my own site here – and I would like to have the tab- Nyligen -as default…



    Please go to Enfold/framework/php folder and open class-framework-widgets.php file and find

    			echo '<div class="tab first_tab active_tab widget_tab_popular"><span>'.__('Popular', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content active_tab_content'>";
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo '<div class="tab widget_tab_recent"><span>'.__('Recent', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content'>";
    			avia_get_post_list('showposts='. $posts .'&orderby=post_date&order=desc');
    			echo "</div>";

    and change it to

    			echo '<div class="tab widget_tab_recent"><span>'.__('Recent', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content'>";
    			avia_get_post_list('showposts='. $posts .'&orderby=post_date&order=desc');
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo '<div class="tab first_tab active_tab widget_tab_popular"><span>'.__('Popular', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content active_tab_content'>";
    			echo "</div>";

    Best regards,


    Again THANK’s – Now I am back to the Quattro Vidcom WooCommerce buttons…

    Is it easy enought for you to help me to get the background behind KÖP to be orange and the text white?
    The hover effect should of course be there.. sorry… Didn’t mean to confuse you…

    TT :-)



    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    .avia_cart_buttons a:nth-child(1) { 
    background-color: orange !important;
    color: white !important;



    Thank you, and also sorry for beeing asking all this questions…

    I really would like to have this button without the opacity hover as default… I like te bright colors…

    But something needs to happen when you hover – of course. I tried to put some hover CSS code that I found on w3schools – but I only mess things up… so could you please help me again… maybe…

    Orange button as default – and something as a hover effect…either change of color – or a hand like here


    Hi – I´m so glad you are helping me – I tried this and it came out almost right. Tab “Nyligen” and Tab “Popular” have now changed place. – but I want Tab Nyligen tio show as Default (acitve) – What should I do next?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by idespiran.


    It looks like the path to the icon is not correct but we cannot say for sure without inspecting the site at the moment the site is down. However we will keep this ticket open please let us know when we can take a look at it.



    Hi Vinay (and Yigit) –

    I´m so happy for all your good answers…

    I only have one more thing that I didn´t get right…

    I would like to have the NYLIGEN tab as default when you get to this page
    Just now it is the POPULÄR tab that shows first…

    TT :-)



    Please go to Enfold/framework/php folder and open class-framework-widgets.php file once again and find

    			echo '<div class="tab widget_tab_recent"><span>'.__('Recent', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content'>";
    			avia_get_post_list('showposts='. $posts .'&orderby=post_date&order=desc');
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo '<div class="tab first_tab active_tab widget_tab_popular"><span>'.__('Popular', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content active_tab_content'>";
    			echo "</div>";

    and change it to

    			echo '<div class="tab first_tab active_tab widget_tab_recent"><span>'.__('Recent', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content active_tab_content'>";
    			avia_get_post_list('showposts='. $posts .'&orderby=post_date&order=desc');
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo '<div class="tab widget_tab_popular"><span>'.__('Popular', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content'>";
    			echo "</div>";

    Best regards,


    Ha ha – now I got two NYLIGEN –



    Hmm. Well, on my end you do not :)
    Please see screenshot below



    Ok I tried to fix my mistake – and now I have Nyligen and Populär and I´m happy – but I lost Kommentarer – This is the code… Can you see whats wrong…

    echo $before_widget;
    echo “<div class=’tabcontainer border_tabs top_tab tab_initial_open tab_initial_open__1′>”;

    echo ‘<div class=”tab first_tab active_tab widget_tab_recent”><span>’.__(‘Recent’, ‘avia_framework’).'</span></div>’;
    echo “<div class=’tab_content active_tab_content’>”;
    avia_get_post_list(‘showposts=’. $posts .’&orderby=post_date&order=desc’);
    echo “</div>”;

    echo ‘<div class=”tab widget_tab_popular”><span>’.__(‘Popular’, ‘avia_framework’).'</span></div>’;
    echo “<div class=’tab_content’>”;
    echo “</div>”;

    echo ‘<div class=”tab last_tab widget_tab_tags”><span>’.__(‘Tags’, ‘avia_framework’).'</span></div>’;
    echo “<div class=’tab_content tagcloud’>”;
    echo “</div>”;

    echo “</div>”;
    echo $after_widget;


    Thank you – everything is OK – I found that little code on my other site :-)

    Great help from you all…



    Great! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)


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