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  • #783027

    I previously used this code to remove the category tabs from the blog post element: {
        display: none;

    Now I would like for tabs to return. But when I removed the code from the Quick CSS, nothing changed. How can I get these to display again?

    Thank you in advance.


    Hey CPM_usa,

    Can you please give us the link where they should be displayed? I can’t seem to find your blog in your website, sorry!
    Best regards,


    Here you go. Thanks for looking into it!



    It seems that I can’t get into your website! I’ve posted the error message in the Private Content of this reply. There’s an email submission form there for you to get more details, or maybe this is something you can ask your server for help. I can check again in a few hours.



    Hey Sarah, any luck seeing the website?



    Yes, I can see your website now. I can’t seem to access the Dashboard, though. (The error message I saw before is still there for wp-admin.)

    Anyway, I looked into this page’s HTML code, and it seems like the line for showing blog categories isn’t there at all. (Even when you use the CSS you showed me at the start of this thread, the HTML for the categories should still be there, just not displaying.)

    Did you perhaps previously use filters or change php files to remove the code?

    Best regards,

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