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  • #509903

    Category selector box.. I asked 2 years ago.. seems unimportant to the devs..

    I would really appreciate if the Category selector box once in Avia Portfolio Grid for example, would have the usual little drag corner, as this box I’m writing into at this very moment does btw, to make it bigger and view more or all my categories (my set up involves applying many categories to certain entries, and scrolling is not practical. I have close to 100 categories in a site, and need to apply many to a portfolio for example).

    Better yet if categories could be applied using check boxes.. the way it is set up now makes it very easy and extremely annoying to release the wrong keyboard key and lose one’s selection and having to start over. Terrible approach IMO.

    I feel Enfold is stagnating when so many usability issues could be addressed.

    “Thanks” (I guess, though most likely I won’t get an answer for 2 years again).


    Hey ianstudio!

    Not sure what you referring to here. Your talking about one of the elements in the Dashboard? The category selection box where you check the categories to add them to the post? The theme does not style that. Can you take a screenshot and highlight what your referring to?



    Yes the category box, top left:

    Are you saying this is not an Avia box ?!??



    Oh I see. Yeah, we cannot change that so it is draggable. You can increase it’s height if you want though. Add this to the bottom of your functions.php file.

    add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'enfold_customization_admin', 10 );
    function enfold_customization_admin() {
    	echo '<style type = "text/css">';
    	echo '#aviaTBcategories-form-container select { height: 300px !important; }';
    	echo '</style>';	




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