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  • #255226

    Similar to Navin here ( I would like to use this plugin (instead of recreating the behaviour, though)

    Diana, the plugins author explains why the plugin is not working with Enfold:

    Can’t see it working in any way – Possible causes:
    You’re already using another plugin that uses the wp_nav_menu_edit hook and has a higher priority than mine. This is by design: My plugin is not critical and therefore I don’t claim a high priority on the hooks. Plugins/Themes that indicate to be more important will be given priority.

    Is there any way to change the priority of the theme’s usage of wp_nav_menu_edit or disable it?

    The Category Posts in Custom Menu is a godsend and makes so many menu options possible, that I would really love to use it with Enfold.


    Hey 0rca!

    Thank you for the info. Regretfully, we cannot provide support for third party plugins or scripts as stated on our support policy due to the fact that there is simply no way to account for all of the potential variables at play when using another developer’s plugin or script. Because of this, any questions you have regarding setup, integration, or troubleshooting any piece of functionality that is not included on the theme package will need to be directed to the plugin author. The theme does not utilize any wp_nav_menu_edit hook and I’m not even sure if such thing exist.

    Thank you for understanding.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    ok, I understand that. But let me rephrase the question then, maybe you have a quick solution at hand because it came up already :-)

    Is there any way how t turn of the Mega Menu functionality in Enfold?


    Solved it myself. To remove MegaMenu, simply remove this line in functions.php (Enfold, not Child):

     * add support for responsive mega menus

    Now the plugin works just fine ;-)

    Ismael, I get your support policy and everything. I know there’s got ot be a limit of what the support team can provide. But as soon as the theme itself changes or hooks into core wordpress functionality it often is simply not enough to “direct questions to the plugin author” as he/she has no way of knowing what your theme does.
    I know other theme author that have some kind of “premium forum”, where you pay a monthly fee for being able to ask the more complicated questions/requests. Still no big customisations, mind you, simply the questions that tend to be rejected, because they are out of the scope of free support.
    I for one would gladly pay a fee for something like this here too, as I tend to use only very few themes but am mostly relying on the support by teams like yours. Hiring a freelancer (actually I am one, but with a completely different focus/skill set) is often uneconomical, as they tend to have no idea about this or that theme and need an hour to find their way around the code, where the theme supporters need 5 minutes. So I’d rather pay you 10 bucks a month for 5 minutes than somebody else 50 bucks for one hour ;-)
    Just an idea…..





    Glad you figured it out yourself.

    Any feedbacks and comments from you are greatly appreciated and the idea of a premium support is nice. You can vote or open a new request on Enfold Feature Request page regarding that matter. :)

    Best regards,

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