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  • #1249172

    If I buy something on mobile from my homepage , the ‘carry on shopping’ (weiter einkaufen) Button appears on text and is hence unreadable. And more important, when I carry on shopping I can’t get back to the shopping cart, because there is no Icon or link to it.
    Where do I go wrong? Could you kindly point me to the solution of the problem, please?


    Hey angereichert,

    Thanks for the details. First off, could you try updating the theme to the latest version ( to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard.
    the theme is running version and the problem still exists unfortunately.
    What to do next?
    Cheers Jutta


    Hi Jutta,

    Thanks for the update. Could you post a screenshot of the problem and describe a bit further what you would like to change please?

    Best regards,


    Thank you Rikkard,
    I managed to somehow change the Menu after I completely deleted the old setup an reconfigured everything.
    Thanks for your help



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I addesd the following to remove the border around the Cart symbol. It works fine on desktop but on mobile the Border is still visible.
    Any suggestions?

    .header_color, .header_color div, .header_color header, .header_color main, .header_color aside, .header_color footer, .header_color article, .header_color nav, .header_color section, .header_color span, .header_color applet, .header_color object, .header_color iframe, .header_color h1, .header_color h2, .header_color h3, .header_color h4, .header_color h5, .header_color h6, .header_color p, .header_color blockquote, .header_color pre, .header_color a, .header_color abbr, .header_color acronym, .header_color address, .header_color big, .header_color cite, .header_color code, .header_color del, .header_color dfn, .header_color em, .header_color img, .header_color ins, .header_color kbd, .header_color q, .header_color s, .header_color samp, .header_color small, .header_color strike, .header_color strong, .header_color sub, .header_color sup, .header_color tt, .header_color var, .header_color b, .header_color u, .header_color i, .header_color center, .header_color dl, .header_color dt, .header_color dd, .header_color ol, .header_color ul, .header_color li, .header_color fieldset, .header_color form, .header_color label, .header_color legend, .header_color table, .header_color caption, .header_color tbody, .header_color tfoot, .header_color thead, .header_color tr, .header_color th, .header_color td, .header_color article, .header_color aside, .header_color canvas, .header_color details, .header_color embed, .header_color figure, .header_color fieldset, .header_color figcaption, .header_color footer, .header_color header, .header_color hgroup, .header_color menu, .header_color nav, .header_color output, .header_color ruby, .header_color section, .header_color summary, .header_color time, .header_color mark, .header_color audio, .header_color video, #top .header_color .pullquote_boxed, .responsive #top .header_color .avia-testimonial, .responsive #top.avia-blank #main .header_color.container_wrap:first-child, #top .header_color.fullsize .template-blog .post_delimiter, .header_color .related_posts.av-related-style-full a {
    border-color: #ffffff !important;



    Thanks for the update. I can’t see a border around the cart symbol on any screen size though, could you try loading the page in an incognito or private window on your mobile device to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    You are right, when I load the page in a private window, I don’t see the frame around the shopping cart symbol. But does that mean, that all my customers don’t see it either?


    Hi angereichert,

    I do not see the border around the cart on my end. Yes, your clients probably don’t see it too unless they have a browser cached version, in this case, they just need to clear the cache.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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