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  • #619327

    After working with my hosting company since yesterday, they have pointed the issue with Enfold theme. I have tried all solutions (.user.ini, .htaccess, etc . . .) suggested in this forum & non is working. I have updated to latest version of Enfold (3.5.3) & still the same problem. When I try to upload an image, I get this error:
    “Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded . . . . ”
    Support team, since it is effecting so many people, please have a priority to resolve this issue.


    did you check this: LINK
    or this LINK or look for this message in google?


    As I mentioned in my original posting “All Solutions” & if you read through the link that you mentioned, it did not work for those one either.



    Please provide us your backend access with your web site URL, so we can help.
    Need to do some testings, to be sure.



    What email address should I use for creating the temp account?


    please see private content for information.


    I have placed all back end info you requested yesterday. Would someone get back to me. Please, all my sites using Enfold theme (3.5.3), image upload fails.



    Sorry for the delay. We tried to upload an image in your installation and it works fine:



    You have tried this after we fixed the problem.
    Unfortunately all our site using Enfold were effected & we could bear the speed of response being offered by Enfold Support team (we provided enfold support with your requested info 5 days ago). After much of research on the web we discovered that Enfold theme has an issue with php & execution time limit. The only work around for us at this time, is using php.ini file & increasing this time limit. This only effected sites using enfold theme despite some of these sites are with different hosting companies.
    This is a major problem for us and many Enfold theme users effected, as a simple search will provide the extend of the issue, and hope Enfold dev team fixes it on next future release.



    I see. Thanks for sharing and we are very sorry for the delay. I hope this helps other users with the same issue.

    Best regards,

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