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  • #1423479


    Enfold is overriding some of our templates provided by The Events Calendar and preventing some options from being selected in the admin dashboard. Can you kindly tell me how to fix these issue?

    In Event Settings, we’re unable to select the Default Events Template and save changes, it does not allow us to select and use this template. We’re trying to remove the sidebar.

    The Event Series template is the one that seems to be overridden by Enfold. You can see the duplicate upcoming events block in the footer. We’re trying to remove the sidebar and remove the footer events section on this page here:

    We are using the Enfold child theme with these plugins:

    The Events Calendar
    The Events Calendar Pro
    The Events Calendar: Filter Bar
    The Events Calendar: Virtual Events

    Screenshot of the page as-is (broken, extra event listing in footer)

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The theme add its own template modifications to the event pages but these can be disabled completely by adding the following code in the functions.php file.

    add_theme_support( 'deactivate_tribe_events_calendar');

    Best regards,



    I’ve added that to the functions.php file. This has enabled us to change the Events > Settings > Display > Events template to “Display Events Template”. However, this has not changed the display of the page here:

    How can we remove the extra events display in the footer of this page?



    Thank you for the update.

    We just noticed that the site is running an outdated theme version (4.8). We recommend manually updating the theme to the latest version (5.6.8) before making any further modifications.


    After the update, make sure to toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings and purge the cache to regenerate the scripts and stylesheets. If you encounter any errors after the update that require separate attention, please feel free to open different threads.

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure to create a backup or restore point before updating the theme.

    Best regards,



    I’ve updated to the latest version now. Please take a look!



    Thanks for following up.

    We’ve found the following error in the page which seems to be related to the footer.php file. Did you modify this template file in your child theme?

     Undefined array key "footer_option" 

    Please make sure to get the latest version of the template file from the parent theme.

    Best regards,



    I did not find any footer.php in our child theme.

    The calendar is still showing in the footer:

    I do not understand where it is loading in from! Please continue to help debug this.

    I have completed all the steps you have given me thus far:

    – add add_theme_support( 'deactivate_tribe_events_calendar'); in function.php in child theme
    – updated theme to latest version
    – turned off compression
    – cleared cache
    – cleared Pantheon page cache
    – tried to change Events > Settings > Display > Events template

    What is the next step to fix this? Thank you!



    We may need to access the site via S/FTP in order check the issue further. Please provide the login details in the private field. Temporarily, you can add this css code to hide the calendar.

    .single.single-tribe_event_series .tribe-common.tribe-events.tribe-events-view.tribe-events-view--summary.tribe-events-view--list.tribe-events--has-filter-bar.tribe-events--filter-bar-vertical.alignwide.tribe-events-pro.tribe-common--breakpoint-xsmall {
        display: none !important;

    Best regards,


    I’ve attached the login for SFTP and enabled it.


    The CSS removed the calendar in the footer (which is good) and the calendar on the main page (which is bad — we want this one to stay)



    Thank you for the info.

    The css code above should not have affected the home page. Please try this code again.

    .single.single-tribe_event_series .tribe-common.tribe-events.tribe-events-view {
        display: none !important;

    Best regards,

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