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  • #1108517

    After upgrading my site to WP 5.2.1, I also upgraded Enfold from 3.7.1 to 4.5.7. I used the rename-the-folder trick, and installing the theme went smoothly.

    After the upgrade, I find that there’s at least one page I can’t update. For example, on the page linked below, I tried changing the properties of the Post Slider at the top of the page. When I tried to Preview the change, I got a red error message on the edit page saying “Updating failed” and the preview page spins endlessly with the WP logo.

    I haven’t tried a lot of pages, so I haven’t found any others that are problematic, but some others (like the Contact page) I was able to update with no problems.

    Any suggestions for which elements on that one page might be causing problems?


    Hey fencer_gregj,

    Sorry for the problem. What happens if you select to use the Classic Editor in the theme options? If that doesn’t make any difference then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Yes, that works. I don’t really like the new Block Editor anyway. I’ve tried edits with both the default editor and the Avia layout builder, and have no problems doing updates or previews now. Thanks for the quick reply!



    Great, I’m glad that it started working with the Classic Editor. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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