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  • #1043337

    Hi, with the last version to 4.5 i had to update all my sites manually as the function was broken on all my 19 sites. Now there is another update für enfold to make it compatible with the latest wordpress version, but again the automatic update function does not work :( I am not intending to doing this manually again on 19 websites. Currently i am using the workarround which disables the new editor, but that cant be the solution :(

    Kind regards

    403 Error while Updating

    What am i doing wrong?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by j0schi.

    Hey j0schi,

    Sorry for the problems, are you sure that your tokens are correct?

    Best regards,


    dang it i forgot one permission, well maybe i should just make one of those tokens and use it on all of my websites, seems to be easyer. ^^

    Thanks for pointing this out, i thought i double checked everything. – can be marked as solved!
    Kind regards



    Great, glad you got it working. As far as I know you need individual tokens for each license unfortunately.

    Best regards,

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