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  • #793863

    At first thank you guys for such a nice theme.
    I just installed a new project here
    and installed latest enfold from theme forest but the problem is whenever i try to import the demo of 2017 with one click installer and it fails.
    I tried with wp reset plugin as suggested and for at least 7 times it failed demo import.
    I also tried the xml file import manually from includes/admin/demo_files/enfold-2017.xml with wordpress importer and it failed.
    I also tried making the xml gzip then import using wordress importer and it failed :(
    My current host is godaddy and i must mention that i tried it on another site which is hosted on namecheap and guess what? It failed there too.

    I am kinda desperate to get this latest 2017 demo.
    Guys Please help.


    Hey nmalka,

    Can you give us ftp access also? so we can try to debug it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Thank you for your quick response please find the ftp information with this message.
    Let me know if it does not work.



    I have checked it but it doesn’t contain anything except .ftpquota file, I have posted a screenshot in private content.

    Best regards,


    My apologies a little mistake in the path.
    Now i have corrected it.
    Please try the login info attached here.




    Thanks for providing the admin and ftp access, I have managed to import enfold 2017 by importing through xml and importing theme settings. Hope it’s all good :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Thank you very much for your help and i see its working nice.
    Would you please tell us what was wrong? and how can i do this myself?
    In-fact i am having issue with another install [link in private]
    I want do this on my own :)



    Hi there,

    I just bought my fourth Enfold License for a new project and I’m having the same problem. I also tried to install the Enfold 2017 Demo several times and in different ways and it always fails. Can you provide information how to fix this? Thanks!


    Hi nmalka ,

    Here is what I did. I used wordpress importer, just go to Tools > Import > select WordPress (it should install the plugin if you don’t have it yet), then I imported the enfold 2017 xml file which you can find in enfold\includes\admin\demo_files (folder), enfold-2017.xml, that should import all the pages and needed files. Then go to Enfold > Import/Export > Import Theme Settings File then import the theme settings file (use the files below). Then go to Layerslider WP > Import Slider and import the slider using the file below. Hope this helps :)

    Enfold 2017 Theme Settings:
    Enfold 2017 Layerslider:

    : Please create a new thread and give us temporary admin and ftp access, so we can check the errors on your site. I have tried to import demo using WP 4.7.5 and Enfold 4.0.7 and it’s working properly on my end and so I can’t give an exact answer on how to fix it on your end. :(

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Thank you very much for the help.



    Glad we could help. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,



    I have the same problem. Kann you please reupload the files Enfold 2017 Theme Settings:
    Enfold 2017 Layerslider:

    Best regards,



    : Please create a new thread or post with the url to the site plus the login credentials. We’ll check the issue there.

    Best regards,

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