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  • #1443670


    I hope you are doing well.

    I am struggling importing the demo and editing the homepage. The others pages seem to work.
    Where is the problem?

    See picture:

    Thank you!


    Hey ijnavas,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We get an error in the console when we try to edit the home (Welcome) page. Have you tried temporarily disabling the plugins? We also noticed that the Welcome page is set as a custom footer. Please deselect the page as a custom footer in the Enfold > Footer panel.

    Best regards,


    Yes, I disabled the plugins. But nothing.

    Where is the option you are mentioning about the footer? I don’t see anywhere that the Welcome page is set as a custom footer.

    Anyway, I tried to edit this option and it appears the following message.

    Thank you!



    Thanks for the update. I see that the server is responding with a 403 error on the file in private when trying to save the theme options, please try reaching out to your hosting provider and check why that is. I’m not sure if it’s related to the problem with the front page, but it might be.

    Best regards,



    They told me this: The error was due to the fact that ModSecurity was blocking this request because it was detected as suspicious. So we have added this rule to the whitelist, adding in the .htaccess a rule (SecRuleRemoveById). With this it is already solved.

    Thank you for you help!



    Great, I’m glad that your hosting provider could solve the problem for you. We’ll close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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