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  • #1041548

    Currently our website has color sections at the top with the main menu text being white. However, we are wanting to remove the color section and just leave the page more white. However when we do this, the menu remains white. I thought it should be as simple as going into the Advanced styling and adjusting the “main menu links” section but when I do that, nothing changes. I’m wondering if the original person who did this website added some custom CSS somewhere that is overriding the theme options ability to change the font color?

    Help would be appreciated


    Hey presgeeks,

    You have active caching on the site, please remove that after you make/check any changes, also make sure to disable file compression under Enfold->Performance and delete the old CSS and JS files there as well if you are using that functionality. When to not use a caching plugin

    Best regards,


    I have deactivated active caching, ensured file compression is off, and activated deleted the old CSS/JS files, however adjusting any of the Main Menu Links options still won’t update any changes. I have tried on numerous browsers, including some that have never visited that page before but all menu items are still showing as white. Is there somewhere else I can look that would be causing this?

    The following pieces od code are currently active in the quick CSS section. Would any of these be forcing the colour change?

    font-size: 13px}
    #top .cart_dropdown { display: none; }
    .avia_textblock.awesome-textblock {
    background: rgba(255,255,255,.8);
    padding: 10px;
    width: auto;
    .av-menu-button-colored {
    background: F28163;
    .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a { font-size: 16px; }
    .single-portfolio .attachment-entry_with_sidebar.wp-post-image {
    display: none;


    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply. Also, you want your main menu links to not be white, correct?

    Best regards,


    Yes…. I want the main menu links to be something other than white. Temporarily making them a #000000 colour would be fine.

    Eventually, I’m wanting all my pages to look more like this: with white space at the top. However, because the menus are currently white, you can’t see them. I’d like to be able to easily change the colour using the advanced styling editor so I can quickly make changes.

    Temp login credentials in private content



    Thanks for that, could you upgrade the account to admin rights as well please? Otherwise we can’t access the theme options.

    Best regards,


    Apologies for that. Account upgraded to admin.


    I think we figured it out. We changed the page setting from TRANSPARENT HEADER to NO TRANSPARENCY which seems to have fixed the issue. Thank you for all your help.


    Hi presgeeks,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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