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  • #22542

    //update – I figured it out//

    Hey, my issue is that I cant align my logo to the same size as the height of the header. I’m using the small fixed header, I locked it from resizing itself with this:

    #header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {

    height: 88px !important;

    line-height: 88px !important;


    When I upload a 88 by 88 pixel logo, it appears to be slightly smaller on the website, however I set it to full size in the theme options. I took a screen shot and my logo appears to 78 by 78 instead of 88×88.

    You can see the problem here:

    I’d appreciate any help or suggestions. thank you!


    Hi dbardits,

    I’ll mark the topic as resolved since you were able to figure it out already :)



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