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  • #1172197

    Hello – I have followed the instructions on this page trying to add a child theme via the WP Admin panel and FTP. Both times I get this error in WP Admin:
    The parent theme is missing. Please install the "enfold" parent theme.
    My theme is up-to-date and so is my support. Please advise.



    Thanks for contacting us!

    I think your parent theme is broken. I installed the latest version of Enfold beta and instead of overwriting your existing theme, it uploaded as separate. Please go to /wp-content/themes and delete older version of Enfold via FTP manually.

    I installed child theme as well. Please review your website :)



    Wow, that was so fast. Thank you! It all seems to be working now.

    So one more question: now that I have the child theme installed, I do need to activate it, right? It may be a stupid question, but I wanted to be sure.



    Yes, please activate it in Appearance > Themes and then go to Enfold child theme options > Import & Export tab and import parent theme options and that should be it :)

    Best regards,


    Ok, so I did that but it looks like my site styles and main menu are now now working.

    This is what I see now: https://radiancetest.wpengine.com/

    And look at the main menu and homepage style on the production version: https://radiancemedspaatlanta.com/



    I went to Enfold theme options and simply saved it to flush dynamic stylesheet. Please review your website :)



    It’s working now. Thanks for the amazing support. Tell your boss you deserve a raise, Yigit. :)



    Glad i could help! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/
    If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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