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  • #598402

    can you please help as I have a major problem – any image upload fails – I get HTTP error. Tried to disable ALL plugins – that didn t help. Then disabled the Enflold theme to the default and it started to work. I ve got Godaddy hosting and they were not able to help either since they say it is the theme causing the problem. Please advise how to fix that

    also the parallax section on mobile has a gap (even though I ve set the Color section to No padding) – it displayes correct on desktop, yet on mobile has a gap – please help to remove that

    thank you
    look forward to your support


    I too am having issues with the image upload feature and have checked with Go Daddy, and they are saying everything is normal at their end.


    I too am having this issue. If I quickly switch to one of the WordPress default themes, I am able to upload no problem. I’ve disabled all plugins and still not able to upload any images – including small ones. I also have godaddy hosting. Please help.


    Great to see Kriesi so responsive on this…?


    Hi @bbrain123,

    I tried uploading the Kriesi logo without any problems, see link in private. Could you upload some images you are having problems with to a service like so that we can try from our end please?

    Everyone else who is not @bbrain123, please start new threads and don’t post in other users threads unless you think it’s absolutely necessary. The reason? Each time someone posts a reply in a thread it’s sent to the back of our support queue resulting in the original poster having to wait much longer for a moderator to respond.



    thank you – yes I seemed to be able to upload 2 images after your logo and then the same HTTP error started to happen – please see here
    The only thing that is working for me atm is Add from Server plugin that I use with the ftp upload
    Godaddy says if there are particular requirements for your theme to let them know so that they might configure?

    thank you



    Try the following:

    Best regards,


    awesomeness! that worked thank you! Just one more thing to do with the mobile parallax view – I ve set padding to 0 yet on mobile view it still has a gap – please see here: though on desktop all is fine
    can you please advise



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .flex_column {
    margin-bottom:0px !important;

    Best regards,


    that works- Thank YOU!!!

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