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  • #23201

    Hi Team,

    We set up colors as much as we could under Theme Options -Styling and the article below has links, bold descriptions and <h2> text and its all the same color. They would like it to be different. Is it possible?

    Here is a link to the page

    1.) LINKS: so under 1. and 2. the bold text that is in blue are also links (if you hoover it would be different color)

    2.) BOLD: and the rest under 3., 4. thru 10. its also bold but does not have links yet it also shows the same color.

    3.) <h2>: Text on top is also the same color.

    How can we change it if possible.





    I believe you edit his through the text editor. Add a unique class. Example

    Number 1.

    <strong class="blue_color">1. <a title="1. Talk to your partner, friends and family members" href="">Talk to your partner, friends and family members</a>. </strong>

    Number 2.

    <strong class="red_color">3. Sleep when your baby sleeps.</strong>

    Then style it on your custom.css

    strong.blue_color {
    color: blue;

    strong.red_color {
    color: red;




    Sorry Ismael i meant to set it up in a way as a default so they dont need to do it every time they start a new writing. Meaning when ever they start a new page/post it would be the same. As example blue color for links, red color for bold and green color for Headers. Is this possible to be set up as a default or not at the moment.




    Hi Jasmine,

    You can set up standards if you want them to apply site wide or on all posts. So, for your example you could make all links in a post blue but it would effect all links inside the post.


    #top .entry-content a {
    color: #0022ff;
    #top .entry-content a:hover {
    color: red; /*hover color for links*/

    Is this what you mean? If its trying to get standard layouts for specific types of posts, then Ismaels suggestion above is the best way to do it by adding consistant classes to your items so that they are automatically styled based on css.




    Devin yes that’s what i meant. Its perfect :)

    Thank you both so much for assisting and i will be more clear next time.



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