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  • #849710

    Buenas tardes

    Me gustaría saber si podemos cambiar el diseño de la página 404 desde wordpress.

    También saber si se puede poner debajo de la 404 una de las páginas de la web.


    Hey keep12,

    What exactly are you looking to change on the 404 page? Please post in english from now on since we don’t have any spanish speaking moderators.

    Best regards,


    Hello i would like to insert just a picture before the search box and we do not need the sidebar . Can we use the advanced editor ?




    Thanks for the feedback. It’s not possible to edit the 404 page using the layout builder unfortunately, please try to copy 404.php to your child theme and make the edit you would like in the child theme file. If you should need help in doing so then please try to specify exactly where you want the image and what image you would like to use.

    Best regards,

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