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  • #1014837

    I added a full-screen slider to my site and also added to buttons to a video slide. The buttons display just fine on desktop but unfortunately are not displayed on mobile.

    How can I change that?

    Thanks for your help in advance. :-)


    Hey HitIt2014,

    Please provide a link to the site/page in question so we can look into this issue further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hey Jordan,
    thanks for the reply.
    The site is and the problem occurs on the front page.
    As you’ll see the two buttons will show on desktop but not on mobile. This is with the full-screen slider just dropped into the page without any settings (mobile-specific or otherwise) applied.


    I took a look at your site and see that your buttons are not showing on mobile & tablet, but they are also not showing in the source code, which makes me believe they are being removed with some javascript. Try disabling your plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause. If this doesn’t help, please include a admin login in the private content area so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    this is a brand new site (I just started working on it a couple of days ago) and there are no plugins running on it.
    Like I said: I just dropped in the full-screen slider and a video slide, added the buttons, and that’s been it so far. :-)


    Can you please include a admin login in the private content area so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    I made a design change so the buttons are no longer necessary at the moment.
    Should I need them at a later point I’ll revisit this thread and provide admin login information for you.
    Thanks :-)


    Very good then.

    Best regards,

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