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  • #851565

    Hi, I would like to add a button to Layerslide WP with a link to go to the next slide.
    I found out you can do that with the following link:

    <a style="" class="ls-layer-link" href="#next" target="_self"></a>

    Now I create a button

    [av_button label='Example' link='manually,#next' link_target='' size='large' position='left' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' admin_preview_bg='']

    How can I add that class that it will link to the next slide?


    Hey rdekruyf,

    Here is a thread for you to consider

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    By the way – the new layerslider got this options tab (link and attributes) – on linking input fields there is a flyout when clicking to that field !
    And here you can choose “switch to next slide”. (previous too).
    so create a button layer and input that linking.

    click to enlarge:


    Both thanks for answering, I am familiar with that option to link it works fine with a icon, image or whatever.
    But not with a button, i think because there is by default a link in a button.

    So that’s why my question is specific for a button.

    Made a video, where you can see whats happening when add a link:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by rdekruyf.

    hm – you have to place the buttons on each slide.

    But i don’t know where you inserted that shortcode. I constructed buttons on layerslider !

    see here: https://webers-testseite.de/kingfilly/

    click to enlarge:



    Thanks Guenni007 for your answer.
    But I don’t want create buttons inside Layerslide.

    I want to use the one I can create with Enfold.

    For moderators as you can see, linking from a button generate with Enfold does not work, how to fix this?


    please tell me where you have inserted that “Button-Shortcode”
    you got Image / Text / HTML / Video-Audio / Dynamic content from posts
    there is no opportunity to use here enfold shortcodes – so for me it is a mystery – why there is on your video a button ?

    i see you used for it the html option but a generated code from enfold entered here never works on my end here ???


    You can create a shortcode on every page of message in WordPress, and copy that into HTML in Layerslide WP


    see here – i know that – but button-shortcode does not give a button here:

    maybe its why i’m working with an activated premium version – not really ?

    Or is there a way to activate enfold shortcodes for ls ?


    and where is the benefit to have here a enfold button ?
    see again example – it is so easy to construct buttons on layerslider with text layers ?



    The shortcode will make one more query for you :)
    Better to use the native function for making shortcodes

    Best regards,


    so now i’m out of this context.
    The generated enfold shortcode ( via post with normal editior nor with debug mode and button alb element) does not work in html inputfield this way to get a button on advanced layerslider.
    so i can see your video and on your site i see your source-code .
    Yes it is layerslider and there are buttons – on every (and believe me there are many installations of enfold – with or without – Layersldier premium activation ) enfold i never have success in this way. –

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Rikard. Reason: Removed URL

    Thanks al for the assist.
    Now used the inbuild option to create buttons, works fine for this purpose.



    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I can’t see any URLs in public in this thread, do you what thread it’s in? Please link to it directly as we can’t search for numbers in our system.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for that, I removed the URL from the post you linked to.

    Best regards,


    hi.. I just tried using the above method of :
    text link
    and its not working.

    I’ve also tried..
    Learn more
    Learn more
    Learn more
    Learn more

    I just want to create HTML text link around a few words in my paragraph.. Im trying to understand the solution that was offered in the conversation above?



    : Where do you want the link to go? The solution was to generate a button using the available options in the layer slider panel.



    to the next slide! I just want to select certain words in my paragraph and make an a href link. I dont want to make a button



    Thank you for the info. Edit the layer, go to the “Link & Attributes” tab, just click on the field with the “Enter URL” text and select “Switch to the next slide”.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismeal. when I go to “Enter URL” it makes the entire layer clickable to the next slide..
    Again , what I’m trying to do is to only select a few words as a hyperlink to the next slide.. not the entire layer.. just a few words.. like ‘click here’ to learn more.. make sense?



    I’m sorry but that’s not possible by default. The whole layer will be affected by the settings.

    Best regards,

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