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  • #777334

    The built in image magnifier in WooCommerce 3.0 does not work with your theme.
    There are many issues with Enfold and WooCommerce 3.0.
    When will these issues be addressed? I have sites that need the upgrade.


    We see this as well – the picture gallery also does not work.



    If you run the latest WooCommerce Version and Enfold version images should be working fine.
    Regarding the magnifier, we do not support that at Enfold, as we do an other way regarding the images and product gallery.

    Thank you.



    You should support this as almost all of the new shopping carts, Amazon.com, Walmart.com for example, use a magnifier.

    When the big box retailers are using features on their sites all of our e-commerce clients are going to want these features also.

    So what happens then? Developers stop using you theme. That’s what happens. If you don’t care what features your developer subscribers want then it is time for us to move onto another theme that supports must have e-commerce features.

    A forum user Mensmaximus came up with a nice solution for the Enfold incompatibilities with WooCommerce. How is it that he can find a solution but the Enfold development team can not incorporate the features that we all want?



    @pkonstan If you wan’t to use the new zoom feature you can use my solution


    Thank you for that solution. I don’t know why they do not build it into the theme.


    @pkonstan It is a developers choice. Many themes don’t implement it as they have their own solutions for years. This is one reason why the new zoom is not enabled by default in woocommerce and has to be activated in the theme. As time goes by we may see a checkbox in the admin section to enable the woocommerce native functions like enfold already does with the lightbox (I hope Kriesi get’s this hint ;-))


    Glad mensmaximus was able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold. @mensmaximus Thanks :)

    Best regards,

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