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  • #707849

    hello there !
    A few days ago, I asked a fex questions on pre-sale support, I’ll resume my problem here :

    I was given an existing site in order to update it. A few month ago, I did modifications and everything was OK, but since a week or so, the builder has gone crazy. All I’ve got is a waiting screen instead of the builder as in this screenshot :

    I can’t even click on “standard text editor” (in my screenshot it’s translated by “editeur par défaut”) nor on any button of the builder.
    In the portfolios items I can set my texts but can’t set features images or galleries.

    I was said that uploading the theme to its newest version would fix the issue, but I just purchased it (I didn’t had access to the genuine purchase code, so i had to purchase it again), and still the issue remains.
    FYI, i did the update via FTP, after extracting the “enfold” folder from the global zip file.

    I give you the website credentials in private, thank you for helping !


    Hey martineva,

    Thanks for the details, could you post the login URL as well please? You can try to follow the suggestions listed here:

    Best regards,


    Hello !
    Unfortunately, none of the suggestions had any effect :
    – I cleared browser cache, and even tried to open the backoffice with several browsers
    – I disabled all plugins
    – I updated the theme

    I give you the admin url in private.

    Thanks !



    You are still running a very old version of the theme. The update function seems to have stopped working so I think you will have to try to update manually via FTP: Make sure to properly backup your site before starting the update in case something should go wrong.

    Best regards,


    Oh !
    I feel so dumb … i was answering you when I decided to check my FTP files, since updating manually the theme was the first thing I did … And I disovered that I had made an error when trasferring the files … Updated the “enfold” file INSIDE the existing “enfold ” folder, instead of replacing it …
    Works now :)




    Hehe ok, glad you found the problem :-)

    Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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