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  • #217095

    Hello !

    I just create my first website with enfold theme.
    I have a problem with the enfold theme options. Actually, I can’t edit the “styling” options. When I change an item like color, I “save all changes”, but when I check my webpage, nothing have change…
    Can you explain me what’s happen ?



    Hey asohf!

    Can you post the link to your website so we can take a look? Do you try flushing browser cache after making styling changes? If not, please try it.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your answer.
    It’s very strange but the problem has been solve by itself this afternoon. I don’t know why.
    It’s a good new.
    I just have a bug in this page : [], when using Chrome. The letter “A” in the text is not like the others.



    It must be a caching issue, glad it is working fine now. I am not sure if i understood the issue clearly. Can you please elaborate? A screenshot would help



    I am not sure it was a caching issue because the error was there in another computer. May be it was a problem with the database. Regarless, this is solve now.
    By the way, how can I send you a screenshot ?



    You can upload your screenshots on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here

    Best regards,


    Thanks !
    The dropbox link .



    I checked your website and it’s not happening on my end, have you tried from another computer?

    Best regards,


    Thank you,
    The problem has been solve by itself ! I don’t know what’s happen. It’s a good new.
    Now, I have this message in the bottom of my home page : “Incoming search terms: arkerus”. May be it will be solve tomorrow. I don’t know what this message mean.
    Regards ++



    I have just checked your website and could not see such message. Please see screenshot here
    Please try to log out from admin dashboard and check if it is only visible when logged in

    Best regards,


    Actually, the message appear on the home page :




    Please try deactivating all active plugins and check if that helps. Then you can activate them one by one to find the culprit

    Best regards,

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