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  • #591422

    I noticed that when I use the Upcoming Events Plugin extension the event title h4 tag gets “av-upcoming-event-title” as its title attribute.

    Taking a look in the events_upcoming.php I find this in line 150:
    $output .= "<h4 title='av-upcoming-event-title'>{$title}</h4>";

    Looks like this should be
    $output .= "<h4 class='av-upcoming-event-title'>{$title}</h4>";

    Can I change this safely anywhere in my child theme?



    Hi Stephan,

    Not sure why you would want to change that but you would have to refer to the documentation or support of the plugin in question on how to override its settings in your child theme.



    Hi Rikard,

    I want to change that because it’s a bug. It makes no sense to set the title of an element to the string ‘av-upcoming-event-title’. It looks bad if a user moves the mouse pointer over that element and ‘av-upcoming-event-title’ shows up. The programmer most likely intended to use ‘class’ instead of ‘title’ tag here. Please correct this in the next version.



    Oh, and it’s the build-in widget that comes with enfold: \enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\events_upcoming.php



    Thank you for the heads up. Yes, it’s a minor bug in the script. This is going to be corrected on the next update. For now, you can modify line 150 of the config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > events_upcoming.php file

    $output .= "<h4 title='av-upcoming-event-title'>{$title}</h4>";



    Hi Ismael,
    I already did so. Great to hear that this will be fixed in the next update, so that my correction won’t be overwritten again.


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