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  • #615948


    • I’m using ENFOLD at a multisite installation (WP 4.4.2, ENFOLD 3.5.3).
    • Sub-blogs are installed in sub-directories.
    • ENFOLD is installed and active at the MAIN (!) blog.
    • I disabled all plugins – same problem.
    • I created a fresh WP multisite – same problem.

    On a single post view, the breadcrumbs are right:

    On a category or tag archive, the breadcrumbs show 2x “blog”:

    Category archive:

    Tag archive:

    This happens only on the MAIN blog of a multisite. When ENFOLD is installed at a multisite sub-blog, this problem does not occur!

    Maybe that happens, because the multisite MAIN blog adds an additional “blog” in the URL, as far as I know?
    Here a German explanation for it:

    But please note: I have NOT (!) changed this or anything at my permalink structure!

    And here the permalink structure at the superadmin network -> websites (……./wp-admin/network/site-settings.php?id=1)

    And I have also NOT removed something in WP SEO from Yoast:

    Please see demo post in the private content.
    Any idea how to fix this please?
    Thank you.


    if you call the blog page NOT “blog”, then the breadcrumbs are working ok at category and tag archives.
    For example, when I re-name the page “blog” to “Artikel”, then the breadcrumbs at category/tag archive show right:

    (“Intern” is a category)

    But I would prefer to call my blog page “blog” and not something else. It really must have something to do with the multisite and “blog” slug as mentioned above, but not: I have NOT changed what is mentioned in this post there!

    Could you please fix this in that way, that on a multisite MAIN blog, I can call my blog page “Blog” and that then at categaory/tag archives the breadcrumbs don’t show me twice “blog” – see screenshots above? Thank you.


    Hey Chris!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please check the functions.php file. Do you see any filter called “avia_breadcrumbs_trail”?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thanks, but no, I checked the functions.php of ENFOLD 3.5.3 and there is nothing called “avia_breadcrumbs_trail”.
    I downloaded yesterday the newest version of ENFOLD and therefor the functions.php is also the newest one.

    What do I need to do?



    Please post the login details here. We will check the theme settings.



    I am having the same issue and wondering how this was resolved, if it has been. You can see the “blog / blog” here in a post within a video category:
    (Best1902 to see it)


    It’s not resolved on my end – I’m currently moving to a new hoster, so I had to put this problem on hold, @kaylesimon.
    By the way: your link/post is password protected.



    : Please check if you set the blog and frontpage in the Settings > Reading panel. If yes, reset the settings to default then configure those settings in the theme options instead.

    : Again, please provide the login credentials so that we can check the settings.

    Best regards,


    Since I have still the problem, although I am at a new hoster and had installed a fresh WP with ENFOLD 4.2.1 this issue of my first posting here is still a problem.

    If someone runs in the same issue, I solved this with this snippet:

    but changed “single” to “archive”:

    add_filter( 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail', 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod', 50, 2 );
    	function avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod( $trail, $args ) {
    		if ( is_archive() ) {
    		return $trail;


    Thank you very much for updating the posts an providing that info.

    Best regards,

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