Tagged: archive, breadcrumbs, category, multisite, network
April 18, 2016 at 12:17 am #615948
- I’m using ENFOLD at a multisite installation (WP 4.4.2, ENFOLD 3.5.3).
- Sub-blogs are installed in sub-directories.
- ENFOLD is installed and active at the MAIN (!) blog.
- I disabled all plugins – same problem.
- I created a fresh WP multisite – same problem.
On a single post view, the breadcrumbs are right:
On a category or tag archive, the breadcrumbs show 2x “blog”:
Category archive:
Tag archive:
This happens only on the MAIN blog of a multisite. When ENFOLD is installed at a multisite sub-blog, this problem does not occur!
Maybe that happens, because the multisite MAIN blog adds an additional “blog” in the URL, as far as I know?
Here a German explanation for it:
http://thorstenbreyer.de/weblog/2014/03/28/blog-slug-bei-seiten-im-wordpress-multisite-netzwerk-entfernen/.But please note: I have NOT (!) changed this or anything at my permalink structure!
And here the permalink structure at the superadmin network -> websites (……./wp-admin/network/site-settings.php?id=1)
And I have also NOT removed something in WP SEO from Yoast:
Please see demo post in the private content.
Any idea how to fix this please?
Thank you.—————————————————
EDIT:if you call the blog page NOT “blog”, then the breadcrumbs are working ok at category and tag archives.
For example, when I re-name the page “blog” to “Artikel”, then the breadcrumbs at category/tag archive show right:(“Intern” is a category)
But I would prefer to call my blog page “blog” and not something else. It really must have something to do with the multisite and “blog” slug as mentioned above, but not: I have NOT changed what is mentioned in this post there!
Could you please fix this in that way, that on a multisite MAIN blog, I can call my blog page “Blog” and that then at categaory/tag archives the breadcrumbs don’t show me twice “blog” – see screenshots above? Thank you.
April 19, 2016 at 8:49 am #617220Hey Chris!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Please check the functions.php file. Do you see any filter called “avia_breadcrumbs_trail”?
Best regards,
IsmaelApril 19, 2016 at 10:00 am #617258Hi Ismael,
thanks, but no, I checked the functions.php of ENFOLD 3.5.3 and there is nothing called “avia_breadcrumbs_trail”.
I downloaded yesterday the newest version of ENFOLD and therefor the functions.php is also the newest one.What do I need to do?
Thanks.April 20, 2016 at 9:21 am #618094Hey!
Please post the login details here. We will check the theme settings.
IsmaelMay 11, 2016 at 4:34 pm #630822I am having the same issue and wondering how this was resolved, if it has been. You can see the “blog / blog” here in a post within a video category:
(Best1902 to see it)May 11, 2016 at 4:44 pm #630827It’s not resolved on my end – I’m currently moving to a new hoster, so I had to put this problem on hold, @kaylesimon.
By the way: your link/post is password protected.May 13, 2016 at 7:14 am #631858Hi,
@kaylesimon: Please check if you set the blog and frontpage in the Settings > Reading panel. If yes, reset the settings to default then configure those settings in the theme options instead.
@Chris: Again, please provide the login credentials so that we can check the settings.Best regards,
IsmaelJanuary 18, 2018 at 1:19 am #898831Since I have still the problem, although I am at a new hoster and had installed a fresh WP with ENFOLD 4.2.1 this issue of my first posting here is still a problem.
If someone runs in the same issue, I solved this with this snippet:
https://kriesi.at/support/topic/in-breadcrumbs-always-showing-blog/#post-849466but changed “single” to “archive”:
add_filter( 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail', 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod', 50, 2 ); function avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod( $trail, $args ) { if ( is_archive() ) { unset($trail[1]); } return $trail; }
January 20, 2018 at 11:25 pm #900230Hi,
Thank you very much for updating the posts an providing that info.
Best regards,
Basilis -
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