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  • #527469

    Hey there,

    if i am on one of my category pages, the breadcrumb and the header text seems to be right. now i click on one post ( First Screenshot )

    Then the breadcrumb path gets really long. I have no idea, where this “blog/blog-grid” comes from. and also the header text is not the one of the post ( Second Screenshot )

    I get this “Blog- die aktuellsten Neuigkeiten” (english: Blog – the latest news) on every single post page … where is the problem?

    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards


    Hey Chris!

    Do you have an actual blog page setup in Dashboard > Enfold > Theme Options?

    Let’s try the following.

    1. Deactivate all plugins.

    2. Completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.

    If your still having trouble after doing the above two steps then send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a look.



    Hey Elliott,

    first, thanks for your reply!
    shame on me, there was no site in the theme options chosen.

    So now i created a site called “blog”, an i choosed that side in the theme options.

    Now the breadcrumb of an article goes that way;
    (Startpage) / (Blog) / (Category 1) / (… other Sub-Categories) / (Post)

    But it always shows “Blog” in the title part of the page (it was “blog – die aktuellen neuigkeiten” in the above shown screenshot) …
    Is there a way to let there show the category? Or can i hide that part in general in every Post?
    i tried to change the options in the “blog”-page to “show only breadcrumb”, but that has no effect. Only if i change it on every single post it works for that post.

    Is it also possible to change the syntax of the breadcrumb, so that there is this “blog” not shown?
    The point is, that i have normal “blog”-entries on my site but also recipes and the page “blog” shows all mixed together ..

    Is there a way to solve these last problems?

    Thank you very much!

    Best regards



    can you provide us a link showing the elements in question please? because we need to inspect the elements.

    Best regards,


    Hey Andy,

    sorry for the late reply.

    In the private content, i put the link and the credentials, cause the site is locked for public.

    Best regards



    Add this to your custom CSS.

    .single .title_container strong, .single .title_container h1 {
        display: none;



    Hey Elliott,

    thank you very much, that helped me!

    Do you have an idea for my other question?

    Is it also possible to change the syntax of the breadcrumb, so that there is this “blog” not shown?
    The point is, that i have normal “blog”-entries on my site but also recipes and the page “blog” shows all mixed together ..

    Best regards



    Do not set a blog page in Dashboard > Enfold > Theme Options. Just leave it blank and create your own blog pages by using the blog shortcode. That will remove the “blog” portion from the breadcrumbs.

    Best regards,

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