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  • #400731

    on this site
    I am still having issues with the boxed dimensions, which are set to 1310, and my advanced styling is not displaying anymore (h2, h3, menu text. etc.) ??
    anyone care to take a look?



    You had an unclosed curly bracket in your custom CSS code Nancy, i closed it and options are working fine now. Please review your website. Also, i believe you posted the same questions in some of your posts, if you did, please try to avoid that in future as it is making it harder for us and for other users to follow topics :)



    Hey Yigit,
    thank you so much. sorry about the duplicate posts – I got mixed up there.
    Really appreciate your help as always.
    I will close all those threads :)



    You are welcome N, we are always happy to help :)
    No worries at all. If you could point out the solved ones, we will go ahead and close that ones and focus on the existing issues.

    Best regards,

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