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  • #1229580


    Our website has some blogs in Hindi and I noticed that the blog posts that have titles in Hindi are not loading. I thought this could be because of some plugin conflict. I created a staging website, updated WP/PHP/Theme/Plugins and the posts were still not loading. I disabled all plugins and that did not help. I then activated Twenty-Twenty theme to check if it was plugin issue and the blog started loading!! Can someone help me with what the issue could be with titles in Hindi and theme? I have tried changing the titles to English and they load as expected then! Details of the site and posts:

    Production Site: https://www.eyeqindia.com/
    Staging Site: https://www.staging.eyeqindia.com/
    Blogs that do not load:

    Staging Site has all the updated versions.
    Looking forward to inputs.


    Hey eyeqindia,

    Thanks for the login details. Could you give us permission to deactivate plugins for debugging purposes?

    Best regards,


    Yes Rikard. You can deactivate the plugins on staging website.




    Thanks for that, I tried disabling all plugins and that made the 500 internal server error go away, but the page is still not loading. Would you be able to downgrade the PHP version to 7.3 to see if that makes any difference? Also please link to the backend URL of any of the example pages you linked to, as I couldn’t find them in the page list.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    My live website eyeqindia.com is on PHP 7.1 and staging website staging.eyeqindia.com was on PHP 7.4. Both do not load Hindi posts. I now downgraded staging.eyeqindia.com to 7.3 but the page still does not load. Did you try changing the theme? Because that loads the page. The links that I sent are blog posts and not pages. If you go to blog posts and go to the 2nd page, you will see blog titles in a different language (Hindi). These are the ones we are not able to load.

    Also, can you let me know which time zone you work on so we can try to resolve this asap? Currently the mail comes 3-4 hrs after you post the reply and I think you are logged out by the time I reply. If possible, I can login when you are troubleshooting so we can work in sync.



    Hey Priyanka,

    Could you please contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase following values so requirements are met?
    Max_execution_time = 30
    Max_input_time = 60
    Post_max_size = 32M
    Upload_max_filesize = 32M
    Max_input_time = 60

    If that still does not help, please post FTP logins here privately as well so we can look into it.

    We all work in different time zones to make sure there is always someone active on the forums. We will try to reply to each thread as soon as we can but we might not be able to work in sync.



    Hi Yigit,

    I changed the PHP variables but that did not help. Sharing FTP details privately.




    Please contact your hosting provider and ask them to enable mb_strimwidth function and that should solve the issue :)



    Hi Yigit,

    That solved the problem :) Thanks a lot!



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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