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  • #1403927


    1. ‘Read more’

    I’m using the Blog Styling ‘Default Business’ and when I create a post with the ‘Advanced Layout Editor’ my blog posts are only shown with their titles and the ‘Read more’ link to the full posts.
    I want to have the full post shown with text and images and – if possible sliders.

    I couldn’t find settings that would change this behaviour and from searching this forum, I got the impression, that this is a limitation of the Advanced Layout Editor.
    – Is this still correct? Or how could I achieve this?

    2. Square Gravator author picture

    I have created a square Gravator icon for me as an author, but with the above noted styling, the Gravatar picture is shown as a circle.
    As the ‘featured image’ is shown square, I would assume, I could get the Gravatar icon displayed sqare (like it is) also.
    – Can I get the Gravatar icon shown in square format?

    Btw, I see that it is displayed also here on the board. :-)

    Thank you for listening!

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by hi-fi.

    Hey hi-fi,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    1.) Are you utilizing the Blog Posts element? If so, you can use the ‘Blog Content Length’ option to display the full content of your posts. You may need to set the Enfold > Blog Layout > Blog Layout settings to the last option (Use the advance layout builder…) to enable the Advance Layout Builder for the blog page.

    2.) You can add this css code to adjust the shape of author container.

    .rounded-container, .rounded-container img {
        border-radius: 0;

    Please toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings after adding the css code. Let us know if the suggestions help.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    thank you for your support!

    I’m a bit at a loss here:
    – I wasn’t aware of the ‘Blog Post Element’ and I don’t really get it’s purpose or get it to work as a blog post entry on my blog.
    – I don’t use my Blog as the Frontpage. If I pick my Blog page in > Enfold > Blog Layout > “Where do you want to display the blog?” all entries are gone.
    – Until now I simply went in WP > Posts > Add New and prior to Enfold I used the Classic or Default Editor and I can use the Advance Layout Editor (Editor its say, not Builder). When I use it, I have the issue mentioned in my first post, that the content is not shown, but instead the ‘Read more’ tag.
    (I had ‘added’ a new post, Inserted a 1/1 element and then a text block content element in that and below a picture media element.)

    Right now I have set the blog layout back to my old settings and instead of the Gravatar picture, I always place a feautered image next to the entry. (Always the same picture.)

    –> Ismael, probably it is less effort for you to look into my configuration, instead of communicating with slow-witted me.
    I have set up an admin for you, please see the private content below for the details

    Please know,
    – that I don’t care much about using the Gravatar picture. I will always be the only author on my website and I’m fine with simply placing the ‘featured image’ next to the entry as long as is matches the blog layout.
    – Of course showing this picture (same as my Gravatar automatically, would be less effort. In a perfect world I could use a local user picture, but the plug-ins I tried showed the uploaded square picture as a circled one

    My main issue here is to be able to use the ‘Advanced Layout Editor’ for new blog-posts and have those posts shown in full – just like it is now with all posts. And my assumption is, that I could use the same elements as I do on a ‘page’.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by hi-fi.

    I want to keep the look and structure of my blog, regardless it is my user picture or the small featured image I use instead now.

    If it helps, please feel free to create a new post with a title, an example text and a picture from my library. I could then later look into it to get, what you did and what elements you had used.

    Thank you, Sir!
    Kind regards,


    Thanks for your patience and the link to your site, I see that you are using the WordPress ▸ Settings ▸ Reading ▸ Posts page to set the page that displays your blog posts, this uses the default WordPress blog loop and nothing added to the page “blog” will show.
    We recommend using the theme option Enfold Theme Options ▸ Where Do You Want To Display The Blog instead to select your “blog” page and then you can use the Advanced Layout Builder elements to show the blog.
    But first let’s decide how you want to show your posts, you can use a grid style or list style. There are other options within these options but this will be a start. I created two test pages below for you to review and check the backend, you can also read our Blog Element documentation

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    this is wonderful, I say thank you for _your_ patience and support!

    You can easily skip 1 and 2 below, I just wrote them to show, that I tried.
    I looked into the documentation, and then
    – In WordPress > Settings > Reading > Post page I selected “Select” (so no selection).
    – Enfold Theme Options ▸ Where Do You Want To Display The Blog I selected “test-blog-list-style”
    (That’s my choice from the two test pages you have created, just that I would wish to see all post displayed full content.)
    – I created a new post by dragging the layout element ‘Text Block’, added some text and then dragged the Media Element ‘Image’ below and added an image.
    If I remember correct, it didn’t show up on the test-blog-list-style”. I’m a bit overstrained and frustated, that I don’t get these things.

    I deleted that post and repeated all above, but before I went to WordPress > Settings > Reading > Post page and selected “test-blog-list-style” and also edited that ‘page’ you had created by editing the ‘Blog Post’ Layout Element and selected “Full Content” ‘Block Content Length’.
    Looking at that page “test-blog-list-style” then showed all my post now fully as I wanted, but when I published the new post, it had a different style / format and also the ‘Read more’ tag.

    I left then, The test-post is still there for you to see.

    Mike, I just bought extended support via my Themeforest account to show my appreciation for your support. It was probably not necessary for you, but it was a must for me.
    I would love, if you could look into the mess I made and set all prefs to have a new blog-page meeting the “test-blog-list-style” with full content display and instruct me, what steps I have to take, to then simply add a new post by using the Advanced Layout Editor. (Do I need to insert the ‘Block Editor’ element in a new post or can I simply utilize the ‘Text Block’? Must that element be within a Layout Element like 1/1? You get the idea, that I’m at a loss.)
    Or probably you simply create a test posts featuring a text and an image or slider and I will look into it later to see, how it was done.

    Thank you, Sir!


    Thanks for the feedback, I made an error in my explanation above, to use the ALB page “test-blog-list-style” for your “Blog” page you need to not choose a blog page in the theme settings, I corrected this for you. Then to have a “Blog” menu item remove the menu item “Blog” and then change the title of the menu item “test-blog-list-style” to “Blog” and then drag into place.
    I see that you set the blog element to show “full content” correctly.
    Blog posts work best as “Classic Editor” posts, I adjusted your test post to demonstrate, please check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    thank you very much!
    I managed to do some changes and I think I did it succesfully and I now also understand, that the ‘Blog element’ is used to define the style for the blog page and I don’t use it for a blog post.

    Two questions, please:
    I managed to have the full post shown on the general blog (with text and a picture, not a ‘featured’ image’ only, when I use the classic editor.
    With the ALB my posts are still always shown with the ‘Read more’ tag (so not shown with their full content, although I have set the pref to “full content”).
    -> Is this the way it has to be or can we modify this?
    If this is how it’s meant to work, I can’t use the ALB for my blog posts and e.g. cannot use the beautiful sliders in a blog post, right when I want to have the posts displayed fully, right? (It works as a single post on its own, single page.)
    I have read your recommendation ,that the ‘classic editor’ works best, so I guess, that’s the answer to my questions above.

    I have deleted all featured images (which I added for design only) and added the CSS code, that I got from Ismael further above (works!) to have my Gravatar shown in square format.
    Then on my new Blog Page in the “Blog Post” element I have chosen the style ‘Multi Author shows Gravatar and featured image above’.

    The main reason for which I have deleted the ‘featured images’ was, that I don’T want to have them displayed with that style. So for now, I am fine, but I wonder, if I could keep that style while having a ‘featured image’ but not have it displayed. This would enable me to switch to a different style (like Grid layout) and then have the ‘featured image’ shown.

    Thank you for listening!


    Thank you for your patience, #1: this is the way it is, the posts work best using the “Classic Editor”.
    If you were going to use the Grid style for the blog and only show a short excerpt under each featured image then you could use the ALB for the posts, but if you did you would need to manually create each excerpt in the excerpt field on the post because the ALB text fields are not able to show as excerpts, thus the reason the posts work best using the “Classic Editor”.
    #2 You can keep the featured images and hide them from your full post blog page with this css in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field:

    .template-blog .big-preview.multi-big {
    	display: none;

    After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    wonderful, I got it all now,

    Thank you so much for your stellar and very patient support, very much appreciated and helpful!

    Have a great weekend!
    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by hi-fi.

    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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