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  • #1088692

    If the Blog Element is used, there are predefined Layouts, like Single Author (small pic etc.).

    I want to add a new Blog Layout in this list, where I can define myself how it looks via child theme.
    I didn’t find any topics how to archive that.

    Can you give me a hint?


    Hey BlutVampir,
    Sorry for the late reply, the blog styles are defined in the \enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\blog\blog.php starting about line 99.
    I didn’t find any tutorials or documentation to explain how you could add your own, but perhaps you could model the ones already there.
    I assume that you already work with php and javascript, and have your favorite editor, but I would share that the “open folder” option in Visual Studio Code allows you to open all of the theme files at once and then the “find in files” allows you to search all of the files at once. This makes it easier to trace the functions across the files.

    Best regards,


    Hi Thanks. Better late then never.

    That easy and I didnt found it.
    I know well how to extend it without touching the code now.



    Did you need additional help, or shall we close this thread?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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