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  • #29395

    Hi Support,

    I want to create a blog within blog. Essentially, I want to have a specific Post display a series of other posts. When testing this out, using default editor and the magic wand ->Blog Posts feature I get an okay version. However the layout when I display Blog Posts on a New page, rather than new post, has a better sized preview image and has the dashed line linking the posts.

    In all, it would be great if the blog posts layout displayed on a New Page, could be achieved via a New Post and the magic wand. I am not sure why they are different. You can check screenshots below.

    Thanks. Evan


    Hi Evan,

    The screenshots you shared are not publicly available.




    Hi Josue,

    Should be able to access them now. Thanks.



    Hi Evan

    I’m not sure if there will ever be support for it. Its a very singular fringe case where you would be embedding a post within a post within a page and I’m not sure Kriesi would want to add the additional css support for it.

    I’ll add it as a feature request in the Enfold feature request topic however since ultimately it is up to Kriesi on what features get added in.





    Thanks for adding to feature request, but based on your response realize I may not have been 100% clear with what i was asking.

    I am primarily wondering why the two screen shots here are different,

    Ideally the Blog posts display within a post, would look like the Blog Posts display within a page. I am wondering how I can make that happen.





    Configure the options on Enfold > General Settings > Blog Style. Make sure that you select the same style when using Blog Posts element on the Advance Layout Editor.



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