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  • #933962

    How can I change what information is displayed in the blog post grid layout option? At the moment my blog is displaying “Comments/Date” and I would like it do display “Post Author/Date” instead. On the site below, the section I’m referring to is in “Latest”


    Hey ChristineGerman,

    Changing it in your Latest section would also change it in Digital Features, to do that we need to replace how the module works:

    1. You need to use a child theme, so the modifications won’t be removed during the update. To use a child theme please follow the instructions on this post:

    2. You need to modify the post slider, to do that you need to the things instructed in once done, go to the shortcodes folder and create a new file and call it postslider.php and copy the contents here:

    Hope it helps :)

    Best regards,


    Hey Nikko,

    Thanks for the response. I do want it to change in Digital Features and on the entire site basically. So do I use the same process if that is the case?


    Okay so I’ve done what you said, and it is displaying the elements I want, BUT now the font size is much smaller than it was before for the main title of each post. How can I change the font size back to how it was before?



    Which font size do you want to change, the title or the description content?

    Best regards,

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