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  • #522508

    I have my blog post’s Preview Image Size set to “choose the preview image size manually (select thumbnail size)” and “Thumbnail (80×80)” selected as the size. It still shows up full width in the container.

    Ideally, I’d like the thumbnail to appear on the left side of the post excerpt but I don’t want to use a sidebar menu setting the homepage.

    Can you please help?


    Hey MajorRestoration,

    Do you mean the blog post to the left close to the footer? If so it’s displaying correctly on my end. Please directly to the page where we can see the issue if this is not what you mean. Also post a screenshot of what you are seeing on your end. Make sure to clear your browser cache and reload a few times to see the latest version of the page and disable any caching plugin you might have active.



    Yes, that’s the feed. (I’m not sure how to attach a screen shot, sorry).

    I was able to get the thumbnail image smaller (used a different setting). The “choose the preview image size manually” feature doesn’t really seem to work at all. But I think this will be ok.

    Is there any way to get the image left aligned instead of center without throwing off my whole page?



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling to make the image float to the left:

    .page-id-2967 .blog-meta {
        display: inline-block;

    You can use a service like or similar to upload images and then link to them here in your reply.

    Best regards,

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