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  • #1216083

    Hey Guys,

    I ran WP Optimize and a few of the optimizations it suggested. The result: The blog page has collapsed.

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    Before, there was the excerpt and a read more below every post. I have absolutely no idea where to check.

    Please help.

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by Svenno84.

    Hey Sven,

    It looks like you are getting a lot of http/https errors, do you have an SSL certificate for the site? If so then please try changing the site URL to https to see if that changes anything.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    SSL certificate shows as active, URL is https. The only thing we’ve done is let WP Optimize “optimize” tables.

    My fear is that that causes the issues.

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    The weird thing: It shows properly on console-view. Different, clean browsers show the same collapsed result though.

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    Ok, you know what. Fixed. It was WP Optimizes Lazy Load setting.



    Hi Svenno84,

    We’re glad that you figured out what caused the issue.
    Let us know if you still need further assistance.

    Best regards,

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