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  • #1212397


    I’m trying to edit the blog layout but it just seems to ignore me completely!

    1. In Theme Options, I have selected a page to display the blog.
    2. In Blog Layout, I have selected the “use the advanced layout editor…” option
    3. In Blog Layout > Blog Meta Elements, I have disabled the date, author & comments
    3. In the selected blog page, I inserted a Blog Posts element and configured it to my liking.

    Then, viewing any post category completely ignores all the above and is displayed in the same manner, always. I am obviously missing something important here but I don’t know what it is.

    I’d like to create a paginated 3×2 grid with the featured images and the title centered inside, followed by some filler stuff below that grid, like user testimonials, or hints and tips. Any assistance to that direction would be really appreciated, thanks.


    Hey beerallica,

    The category pages are using a different template and they are not affected by the settings in the Theme Options.

    Here is how you can change the category page.

    Best regards,

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