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  • #1417088

    Hi, I am using Enfold. I would like to have a category (or tag) filter on the top of the main blog page. This should function just as the main ‘portfolio’ page. Is there a way to do this in Enfold? Perhaps I can enable the portfolio functionality on custom post types.


    Hey Celeranttechnologycorp,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The Portfolio Grid element cannot display other post types, unfortunately. Have you tried using the Masonry element? The element can display items from any post type and has a built-in category filter by default.

    Best regards,


    This worked. I am using Flexible Masonry with NO Scaling on Images. Is there a way to force the title/except box to be the same height no matter how much (or few) text characters are in there? Maybe I should just use max-height: 200px


    Thank you for your patience, in the case the best approach would be to set the height with css, by default the height is not set to allow for more or less content, but if you want all of them to be the same height then this is the way to go.
    If you would like specific help with the height css for your page please link to your page so we can examine, otherwise if you have achieved this please let us knowso we can close the thread. Thank you.

    Best regards,


    Thank YOU. Please close

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