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  • #790212


    i’ve created a submenu on my blog page that lists the blog categories. I was hoping that these category pages would show all the articles in that respective category in the same grid form that my main blog page has but instead they take the form of the individual blog pages in a single column.

    Is there a way to show it in the same grid form as my main blog page?




    Hi Thomas,

    Please try the steps in our documentation here: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/change-archive-categorytag-blog-style/

    Let us know if you need further help. 

    Best regards,


    Great thank you so much Sarah, exactly what I was after!


    You’re welcome! I’ll keep this thread open just in case you’ll have questions after you set up your category page.

    But if you’re all set up, please let us know so we can close this thread! :D

    Best regards,

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