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  • #636336

    Hi, I am still in process of working on the website.
    Decided to go with main menu in sidebar on the left. For some reason, no matter what do, the logo still appears really big in desktop version. Social icons appear in the side menu, but are bit off the vertical line all menu buttons start.
    Thing get even worse in mobile version – logo is super big, and social media icons are not shown anywhere.
    Tried with custom codes you have suggested to other users, but without luck.
    1. How can logo size be reduced for desktop verision and mobile version, so it appears smaller?
    2. What to do so that social media icons appear in mobile version?


    Obviously we must use Socket, since social media icons do not work if nested in sidebar menu. Just checked you enfold photography example, it has the very same strange behaviour. So my question is still if this can be fixed and one more.
    1. How can one adjust the socket so it moves with the page. Right now it is sticky, and when you have load more button it overlaps with it?


    Still no reply?



    Thanks a lot for using our theme, we do appreciate it a lot.
    Please note that it is weekend, and our support line is slow.
    Also it was not more than 3h before you last comment and when you do comment, you press the topic last in the line.

    You can make the logo smaller, by using

    .html_header_sidebar .logo img {
    width: 80%

    let us know if that works out for you.

    Best regards,

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